Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lets play "Nazis and Jews"

“That the ideas will make sense when, and not before, Euroamerica find it as ‘harmless’ for a its children to ‘Nazis and Jews’ as it always has “Cowboy and Indians”

This sentence caught my attention. The sentence made me wonder way is it okay that the children play ‘cowboy and Indian’ and not for them to play ‘Nazis and Jews’. At first I was like it is just ‘cowboy and Indian’. Then I began to think that playing ‘cowboy and Indian’ is almost the same concept as playing ‘Nazis and Jews’ the only difference is that our society has aloud the genocide of Native Americans to be okay but yet feel as if the genocide of Jews is more horrific. Don’t get me wrong what happen to the Jews was awful, but it is just as awful how Native Americans were killed off so silently by diseases. Another reason society feels for the Jews and not the Indians is because in some people they still see Native Americans as savages and not as people. Reason 3 is because the Holocaust has happen in some American life time and they got to experience the war tares of fighting the Germens were as most Americans don’t remember or got to experience the genocide of the Native Americans.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hiding from the Call

They will take me
Already they come;
even as I breathe
they are waiting for me
to finish my dying
we old ones
take such
a long time.
To me I think she it talking about the spirits waiting on her to die but part of me think she is talk about something else. Line 30 leads me to believe that she has already had a near death experience. Line 31 is like they are waiting by her bedside for that last breath. In the poems it is almost like she is tring to run from the spirits. She wants people to hide her were they can't find her.

Monday, March 22, 2010

offend every1 or knowone

In the begin of “Crimes against Humanity” I was like this is so true way do the Native American have to think it is just fun and games. This reminded me of the issue Atlanta had with the Marta Bus station and in name the lines. They wanted to call the gold line yellow, which can be taking as a racial offensive comment in Asian community. Atlanta took a stand and change the name from yellow to gold much like Sports should take a stand and make the names of sporting teams either none offense or offense to everyone.

Little bit of indian = little bit of Native American writings

Louis feels as if white people think just because they have some Indian in there family tree they can call themselves Indian. In return gives them the right to study “their culture” and write about what they have research and call it Native American writer. Louis also says he thinks of them as thieves, but the last book they wrote he ‘like it, a little”(26). Louis saying he “like it, a little” (26) is like they are only touching on true Native American writing a little.

Alexie concepts lives in Erdrich's story

Erdrich story is almost as if he took all Alexie concepts and twisted them in one women name Fluer. Fluer is a beautiful woman who has wild horse ways but is yet tame. Fluer has had something bad done to her but I don’t know if she was being raped or if she was being beat up. Fluer gets revenged. She kills them and stick the men in the freeze and create a scene as if they were just playing cards, which is the hold reason why the men went after her because she keep winning the card game. When it comes to Fluer and men the men are doom to die when they get close to her, it is like she is curse.

In Result : Death

In the beginning of the poem it shows how much Alexie read and watch cowboy moves with his father. The poem describes stereotypes that often happen in moves and books. The poem then goes on to show the mixing of whites with Indians and how mixing the races makes the stereotypes even more complex. At the very end of the poem Alexie says, “In the Great American Indian novel, when it is finally written, all of the white people will be Indians and all the Indians will be ghosts”(41-3). To me this has two meanings. One of the meanings is that in Americans history all white people will have some form of Indian in them and the Indians will have some form of white in them. The second means is all white will have so Indian in them but all the full blood Indians will be dead.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Ranch life seems to have change the old lady for the worst. The old lady used to be pretty back in the day before she started ranch life. Because of the ranch life she seem to have turned into this bad ass girls with a smart mouth, and whou rides bikes and managers a ranch and the group of men that work on the ranch. Even through she is tough the old lady seems to have a the hots for the new rancher. She gets upset after the boy doesn't take her hints with having him eat in the house and making him pies.

It made me wondering way is it that any time a women is successful in a story she is not married and is tring to find her a husband know matter how old she is. And why is it that a women that has a typical man job is a very masculinity.

life SUCKS when your Not Society normal

The whole story is awful to me, mainly because there are two men who are in love with each other. But yet they can't be toghether,because of society. The reader knows that Jack nad Ennis are aware of society, because after they finish for the first time they dont talk about their new experience. As time goes on the story unravels where Jack becomes more open with his sexuality than Ennis, who just ignored the fact that he is not the stereotype cowboys. Ennis tries by getting married and having kids, but sometime in moment of intimacy he does with his wife what he does with Jack, even throught she dislike this action. The scene let the reader know that Ennis still yearns for this type of intimacy even through he is married with kids.