“That the ideas will make sense when, and not before, Euroamerica find it as ‘harmless’ for a its children to ‘Nazis and Jews’ as it always has “Cowboy and Indians”
This sentence caught my attention. The sentence made me wonder way is it okay that the children play ‘cowboy and Indian’ and not for them to play ‘Nazis and Jews’. At first I was like it is just ‘cowboy and Indian’. Then I began to think that playing ‘cowboy and Indian’ is almost the same concept as playing ‘Nazis and Jews’ the only difference is that our society has aloud the genocide of Native Americans to be okay but yet feel as if the genocide of Jews is more horrific. Don’t get me wrong what happen to the Jews was awful, but it is just as awful how Native Americans were killed off so silently by diseases. Another reason society feels for the Jews and not the Indians is because in some people they still see Native Americans as savages and not as people. Reason 3 is because the Holocaust has happen in some American life time and they got to experience the war tares of fighting the Germens were as most Americans don’t remember or got to experience the genocide of the Native Americans.